Saturday, 15 January 2011

What's an Atom, Walt?

You may have noticed that many blogs and websites use RSS (or Atom feeds). RSS is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication but that may not get you very far. Put another way, the website can tell you when something new has been added to save you having to go to the site to find out.

Not much point if you are only following a single site but this can be useful if several sites are involved.

To use this RSS feature you can use a feed reader or you can use your Internet navigator or browser. 

For the browsers:
At the bottom of this page (or other websites that have an RSS feed you would like to follow), left click on Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) and follow the instructions. You will then be able to see the RSS feeds on your browser toolbar.

For a feed reader such as:

At the bottom of this page, right click on Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) and copy link address
Add this address (URL) to the reader.
Add addresses of other sites having this feature that you want to follow.
Once you have mastered this, you can impress your grandchildren.

Any problems or queries? Then comment on this post.


Those who used the old Feedback spreadsheet will hopefully find this easier to use so please continue to send in your positive or negative feedback.
Feedback, as we know, means prizes...

Martin Eversfield
Hi Alan, thanks for the link to the Indian website. The World's Fastest Indian is a favouite movie of mine.

Geoff Corby
I think missing name in middle row of 92D is Rob Lewsey

Further finds in class 92E. From the initial entry photograph I think that Ken Jarvis is in the centre of the front rank and Roy Smith is on the far left of the centre rank.

Martin Eversfield
Francis is third from left of front rank in class 92A

Martin Eversfield
Hi Alan
The picture of class 92E lists Francis Johns at far right of rear rank. I am pretty certain that it is Dave Bridges, he was discharged early because of his failing eyesight. Front row far right is "Titch Philips" isn't it? Third from left of centre rank is McPherson.

Stan Murray
No complaints Alan. I log in most days and I'm just glad someone like you knows enough to set up the website and keep it going.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

What's a Diode?

After more than 50 years since I first soldered a resistor to a valve base and spent hours trying to understand the theory of holes moving from one material to another, with current going backwards through thin air, controlled by my own home grown circuit board, I'm ready to admit that I'm ready to retire from the technology business. Fortunately I have grandsons who can teach me to "tweet", whatever that means.

My congratulations to the Goalkeeper for puting this Blog in place.

However, I'm reminded of the story of the guy and his girlfriend who visited the local wishing well. The guy made his wish and, in an instant, he was endowed with the largest ----- in the county. "Great" said his girlfriend, "Now you've got it, what do you think you're going to do with it?"

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Useful or not?

As you have seen, live video is part of this website and will be active during the reunion in April.
In order to prepare/simplify the logistics involved, it would be helpful to know if anyone thinks this feature worth using. The same question also applies to the possibility of making voice and video calls to the reunion via Skype.

Q1 Will you be watching the live video?
Q2 Will you be calling via Skype?
There are no costs involved to anyone watching.

Thanks for your input.